Featuring stand-up comedy, a first in a Cirque du Soleil show, Mad Apple’s headlining comedians Brad Williams and Harrison Greenbaum, and freestyle comedy rapper Chris Turner entertain guests with on-the-spot, often rowdy improvs. Mad Apple is a high-energy cocktail of comedy, music, dance and high-flying acrobatics that delivers New York’s wildest night out under the Vegas lights. Mad Apple – the newest Las Vegas production from live entertainment leader Cirque du Soleil – recently celebrated its mad debut at New York-New York Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. For more information, contact Nick Flynn, Allied Global Marketing, Apple by Cirque du Soleil Premieres at New York-New York Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas The first six show dates going on sale to the public are: Sept. Known for his awe-inspiring magic tricks and death-defying stunts, Blaine will continue to push the limits and attempt unthinkable feats in the newest theatre on the Las Vegas Strip beginning September 30, 2022. Magician, extreme illusionist, and stunt artist, David Blaine, is taking his mind-blowing talent to Las Vegas with his first-ever residency, DAVID BLAINE LIVE, exclusively at Resorts World Theatre. David Blaine Announces First-Ever Las Vegas Residency at Resorts World Theatre